Common Ground Ministries


On October 13, 2018 Soma Waxahachie will be hosting a benefit event for Common Ground Ministries. 


#morelikeheaven is a quarterly service initiative led and organized by Soma Waxahachie for our city. The initiative was born out of our conviction that Jesus is King and his Kingdom of Heaven has come. We believe that our city will be changed and become more like heaven on earth as that good news about Jesus winds it’s way through Waxahachie. In time, places that are broken and people who are suffering will find relief and restoration as they come into contact with Jesus and his people.

The projects that we choose are often much larger than what Soma is able to accomplish on our own. This puts us in the position of having to ask God for help. We also believe that the problems that exist in Waxahachie belong to Waxahachie. So we tell the stories of brokenness and suffering, and we enlist the help of our fellow citizens through a social media and crowdfunding campaign. We also believe that a unified church in Waxahachie tells a far more compelling story than a fragmented collection of churches that have no overlapping mission. So we invite neighboring churches to help wherever it is needed.


This Fall we’ve chosen to focus our attention on Common Ground Ministries (heretofore  referred to as CGM). CGM is a Christian-based non-profit organization that provides low cost after-school childcare and a 6-week summer school program for the children of moms and dads who cannot afford the cost of traditional for-profit childcare programs. Presently the cost per child is only $50 per semester. The low cost of the care that CGM provides allows the parents of these children to work without losing all of their income to the cost of childcare.

Unfortunately CGM is only able to serve 30 children. We would like to see this number increased. However, there are two major limiting factors that keep the program from growing —money and property.

To grow the ministry would need to hire additional staff. And the current director and assistant director would need a raise —they are woefully under-compensated as it is. That takes money. Property is also an issue because the property that CGM owns can only accommodate 30 children and the staff necessary to lead and care for them. In addition, we would also like to see CGM start a mentorship program similar to the mentorships offered through Big Brothers Big Sisters of America for the children of Waxahachie.


The projects that we have undertaken in the past have required labor. Mostly doing some sort of home repair or heavy lifting. This project is different. After giving it some thought, we believe that CGM would benefit far more from a fundraising event than they would an organized work day. We hope that this event will bring some needed attention to CGM and provide them with new supporters. 

The exposure that CGM will receive won’t be limited to the actual event. We are currently filming and producing a video that will be shown at the event and will be given to them to use for ongoing fundraising needs on into the future.

The big draw for the event will be Riders on a Mission, an extreme sports demonstration team that will be performing a 45 minute show. It will consist of freestyle sport bike ground stunts, freestyle BMX, and an aerial MX show.

We will also have bounce houses, we’re hiring food trucks, balloon artists, face painters, M.A.D.N.E.S.S. will be DJing, and we hope to book some business and political leaders to say a few words about why we need ministries like CGM in Waxahachie.


What we need:

As was stated above, we have two goals for this event. To raise financial support and promote CGM as a ministry in our city.

FINANCIAL NEED — Since Soma is hosting the event we do not expect anyone to contribute financially toward its cost. However, we are hoping that you can join us in meeting some of the financial goals of CGM. 

PROMOTIONAL NEED — We need influencers in our community to help us promote the event. Whether they are pastors, business leaders, or personalities, we need help getting the word out on the event and the needs that exist.


Common Ground Ministries —

Riders on a Mission —

M.A.D.N.E.S.S. — 

Soma Waxahachie —

#morelikeheaven —